- Apparecchiature di controllo di solidi
- Triple Deck Shale Shaker
- Moto lineare Shale Shaker
- Degasaggio sotto vuoto
- Pulitore di fanghi
- Dissabbiatore
- Desilter
- Decantazione centrifuga
- Sludge Vacuum Pump
- Verticale taglio asciuga
- Essiccazione Shale Shaker
- Getto fango Mixer
- Agitatore di fango
- Pompa centrifuga
- Shear pompa
- Pompa sommergibile liquami
- Pistola di fango
- Separatore Gas di fango
- Dispositivo di accensione del fuoco
- Pompa a vite
- Serbatoio di idratazione
- Serbatoio di fango
- Camera Motor Control Center
- Trasportatore a coclea
- Offshore Mud Skip Container
- Barite Bulk Silo
- Sistema di controllo di solidi
- Ricambi
Room 11608, Unit 1, Building C, Door of Metropolis, Tangyan South Road, New Area of High-tech District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China
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Notizie di tecnologia
Environmental Impact of Drilling Wastes
To solve the above problem, Brightway Company design and manufacture the Drilling waste Management System. It can achieve zero pollution and zero discharge of drilling waste without using mud pools. Drilling waste after treatment can be used to pave the way. At present, Brightway drilling waste management has been successfully applied to many fields of home and abroad and praised by customers.
Precedente :The Feast of Brightway Brand in 2016 Beijing CIPPE
Prossimo :Two sets of Mud Control System Completed and Debugged Successfully