- Apparecchiature di controllo di solidi
- Triple Deck Shale Shaker
- Moto lineare Shale Shaker
- Degasaggio sotto vuoto
- Pulitore di fanghi
- Dissabbiatore
- Desilter
- Decantazione centrifuga
- Sludge Vacuum Pump
- Verticale taglio asciuga
- Essiccazione Shale Shaker
- Getto fango Mixer
- Agitatore di fango
- Pompa centrifuga
- Shear pompa
- Pompa sommergibile liquami
- Pistola di fango
- Separatore Gas di fango
- Dispositivo di accensione del fuoco
- Pompa a vite
- Serbatoio di idratazione
- Serbatoio di fango
- Camera Motor Control Center
- Trasportatore a coclea
- Offshore Mud Skip Container
- Barite Bulk Silo
- Sistema di controllo di solidi
- Ricambi
Room 11608, Unit 1, Building C, Door of Metropolis, Tangyan South Road, New Area of High-tech District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China
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Slurry Separation Plant

Slurry Separation Plant
⇒ Typical Slurry Separation Plant Job Site

⇒ Brightway Slurry Separation Plant Parameters

⇒ Slurry Separation Plant Separation Process

• The sieved slurry processed by the second fine shaker and drops into a trough and passes through a pipe into the main reservoir (3) of the desanding module from where it is pumped (4) to the two main cyclones (5) which separate out sand from the slurry.
• The sand pours out through the underflow outlets (6) of the cyclones and drops onto a vibrating fine sieve to be dewatered and removed (7) from the process.
• The treated slurry leaving the cyclones through the overflow outlets pours into an intermediate tank (8) from where it passes to a storage tank (9).
• A further refinement of the slurry can be achieved by pumping (10) already.
⇒ Brightway Slurry Separation Plant Features
2. Stable and bobust separation process;
3. Easy setup amd operation;
4. Capable of handling high solids loads;
5. Field-proven screen system-durable and adjustable;
6. Powerful G-forces with double-deck shakers;
7. Well-designed cyclones for a better fine-cut even under difficult conditions;
8. Wear resistant pumps;

⇒ Brightway Slurry Separation Plant Cases

Job Site: Singapore
Capacity: 120m³/h

Job Site: Doha
Capacity: 180m³/h

Job Site: Malaysia
Capacity: 250m³/h